
Charles J. Fisher
Charles J. Fisher

Assisting the discriminating vintage home owner with matters relating to Historic-Cultural Monument Application, Mills Act Application, creating your own Historic Preservation Overlay Zone, chain of title research, historic building permits, and all other historic preservation efforts.

Get historic designation for your home

  • Why do I want to hire a historian?

    Gaining Historic-Cultural Monument status will preserve your historic home and may provide you with substantial tax relief by means of the Mills Act. Charlie Fisher has participated in over a hundred successful Historic-Cultural Monument nominations, and played a key role in establishing the Highland Park Historic Preservation Overlay Zone, one of the largest and oldes HPOZs in the City of Los Angeles. He is the author of Highland Park and Garvanza (Images of America: California).

  • Does my older house qualify as an Historic-Cultural Monument?

    It may! Charlie has discovered many a diamond in the rough. You may be surprised to discover that you own a truly historic property.

  • Is a precious landmark near you threatened with demolition or development?

    You or your community organization may be able to protect it, even if you don’t own the property. History belongs to all of the citizens of Los Angeles, and anyone can nominate a property as an Historic-Cultural Monument. Even if the property does not receive Historic-Cultural Landmark status, it will be protected for a few precious months while preservation strategies can be prepared.

  • Want to try to do it yourself?
    Charlie believes in preservation. He’s not in it for the money. Here is a quick description of how to do it yourself.

  • So why do I need to hire Charlie?
    It’s risky. If you don’t do it right the first time, your second try is much, much harder. Charlie has been able to make successful second tries when an owner has been declined the first time, but it’s always tricky. Why chance it? You might be surprised at how much bang you’ll get for your buck with this Historian 4 Hire. Call 323-256-3593 for a free telephone consultation, or e-mail [email protected].